The holistic canine
Meet Kimberly
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
Kimberly Styn Lloyd, PhD, BCHHP, CNHP, CHNP, is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Doctor of Holistic Nutrition, Naturopath, professional Holistic Animal Healer, a Certified Energy Healer, and Certified Canine Raw Food Nutritionist. Kimberly holds a doctorate (PhD) in Holistic Nutrition and Naturopathy. She specializes in species-appropriate nutrition, orthomolecular & biomolecular nutrition, and canine longevity research. Kimberly has been professionally certified as a Natural Health Practitioner (CNHP) and a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner (CHNP). She is board certified through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) earning the title Holistic Health Practitioner (BCHHP) whereby she abides by the strict code of ethics for practitioners. Kimberly is also recognized by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). Kimberly’s education and training as an animal holistic healer includes species-appropriate nutrition for canines, felines, equines, birds, rabbits, livestock, and other small animals. Kimberly practices nutrition therapy, herbal therapy, aromatherapy, energy healing, grounding (earthing) therapy, and color/light therapy on animals and people. Kimberly also holds a Master of Divinity (MDiv), a BS in Nutrition, and is a Certified Fitness Trainer.
Board Certification # 70643412
Kimberly’s Nutrition Perspective
Kimberly is a researcher for canine nutrition and longevity. She feeds and teaches the importance of offering only biologically and species-appropriate foods to canines (and other animals). Understanding the adverse affects of anti-nutrients found in foods that are not appropriate for dogs, all meals she feeds and creates revolve around building the correct and appropriate dietary platform to allow for optimal digestion, absorption, and assimilation. While some dogs do well on some plant material and fruit, others do not. Thus this is taken into consideration when creating meal plans for clients. Kimberly will utilize vegetables and fruit only in the correct context and in the correct form to allow for optimal nutrient uptake and value. Kimberly has a solid grasp on the adaptation of domestic dogs and works to educate her clients correctly on the media-hyped AMY2B gene in domestic dogs. The dog food industry has used this adaptation potential in the modern canine to convince the public (and veterinary students) that dogs have evolved into omnivores rather than the facultative carnivores that they are. Having been educated in epigenetic gene expression, the AMY2B gene (codes for amylase, a carbohydrate digestive enzyme) is understood in the correct scientific context of adaptation within a species for survival purposes. Carbohydrates, have no place in the canine diet as expressed by the National Research Council (NRC) in their work Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats (NRDC). The NRC states, “Thus, there appears to be no requirement for digestible carbohydrate in dogs provided enough protein is given to supply the precursors for glucogenesis.” What follows within the book is an in depth discourse on numerous research studies in which dogs were fed diets void completely of carbohydrates and consisting entirely of fats and proteins. In all these studies, no dog suffered any ill effects whatsoever. In fact, dogs on a diet void of carbohydrates had a greater athleticism, performance, and endurance than the carbohydrate fed dogs. Thus Kimberly follows the research within the NRC’s NRDC for macronutrients (proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). All diet plans meet the NRC Recommended Allowance (RA) for dogs.
Kimberly is a guardian to six dogs, all of whom eat a species-appropriate raw diet. Two of Kimberly’s dogs are registered service animals (ESAs). She also has thirty-four chickens and two turkeys. Kimberly and her husband have an organic homestead where they rescue animals in need.
My Story
My love affair with dogs began before I can even remember. I was born into a home with a Cairn Terrier who quickly became the object of my affection. My parents later added an Australian Terrier to the family and I relished in the fun of the Terrier world. However, when we adopted a Golden Retriever, I became far more interested in the world of dogs and decided to pursue a career with animals. Our Golden Retriever encouraged my interest in dog showing and agility trials; even though she would never be a show dog, she was a great opportunity for me to learn how to train a dog to do remarkable feats. I even began learning how to groom dogs on our Golden. I soon became active in a local 4H club, and not long after entered the world of horse showing and horse ownership. When I finished High School, I immediately entered college for Veterinary Technology. I was so excited and honored as the enrollment was limited to only twenty-five students and I had been selected. Yet my enthusiasm would soon waver as we began practicing on live animals. To my horror, I watched as students made mistakes and began to injure the lab animals. When I then discovered that shelter animals were used for exploratory surgery, I nearly cried when reality suddenly hit me that those poor animals are not revived after the procedures. I couldn’t do it. My heart was broken.
We had at that time adopted another Golden Retriever, an 8 week old pup. I again rejoiced and relished in puppy care, dog training, and Golden Retrievers. It wasn’t long after that I began my career in veterinary clinics in Western NY. That inadvertently led me to learning the art of dog grooming on a professional scale. My first position at a veterinary clinic was a Veterinary Assistant. During that career, I was accidently stuck with a needle which contained an antibiotic, and unbeknownst to me, I was allergic to penicillin. That ended my career. However, I began working for a dog groomer where I was safe from antibiotics and was gratefully taught dog grooming. I took a course to become a professional dog groomer and discovered I had a talent. I was later hired on at another veterinary clinic where I became their pet groomer. I would soon, however, find the holistic path to health and healing.
My education in the holistic arts and sciences of nutrition and natural health became the center of my world. I had already been working as a personal fitness trainer for seven years when I also began working as a nutrition consultant. Now married and a mom to two young boys, I had to make the decision to pursue a career or to be a mommy. That led me to working at home and it was then that I went back to my skills in animal care and grooming. I opened my own holistic dog grooming salon and ran it right out of my home. I had the space and a great location from which to run a business and care for my growing family. Fancy Furs & Peticures became a reality.
At that time, I had become the owner of a Toy Manchester Terrier who I had acquired directly from the show ring in Virginia. He had earned himself a few ribbons. My love for dogs began to rekindle all the more. Soon we adopted our Samoyed, a 7 week old white ball of fluff. I began to train him and run agility trails with him at Western Lakes Training Club of Buffalo, and to my delight, he was a natural. Soon, my Siberian Husky entered our life, also when he was 7 weeks old. My education had also begun to grow. I had now earned my Master’s in Divinity and would soon enter my doctoral program in Nutrition and Naturopathy. Additionally, I had studied holistic health care for pets as well as canine nutrition and was soon making my own dog food. My grooming business was booming and I had dogs in and out of my house nearly daily. I was now caught between practicing holistic services and running my grooming business. Life decided for me, however.
Our lives took a turn that was unexpected leading me to a new life in Georgia. My lifelong home in New York came to a screeching halt, along with my grooming business. I began my life in Georgia and pursued the path of a holistic practitioner, and sadly left my canine talents and love behind. My Siberian Husky was the only dog I had left. He was my companion through life’s trials. It was my husband who began to re-cultivate my dog interests. I decided it was time to get back on that road. A tiny 11 week old black and white Pomeranian entered our life. It amazed me how addicting dogs can be! I began puppy training all over again, and soon I was entering back into the world of canines and naturopathic dog care. After a rescue also entered our world and whelped nine puppies, The Holistic Canine was born!
My husband and I are now officially established as holistic dog rearers and raw dog food nutrition advisors. I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (PhD), an Orthomolecular Nutritionist, and a Certified Raw Dog Food Nutritionist. We are currently the owners of six amazing dogs.

My female shepherd and I are more than grateful to have found Kim! I had fed raw since the day my shepherd pup came home but it was unbalanced.
I consulted with a nutritionist prior to finding Kim that had left nutritional holes in the recipe and included proteins that don’t always get on well with shepherds.
Kim took her time to educate me on breed specific nutrition as this is my first time owning a shepherd dog!
I am so happy to say my shepherd’s issues that we were struggling with (itching, fur loss, imbalances) are GONE. She is healthier than ever, full of energy and enjoys her food at 2 years old and it is all thanks to Kim!
DIY raw can be overwhelming and working with Kim has made it so easy and manageable! Plus she is an amazing human being that always has answers. I recommend her to every person I come across!