Ten Facets of Canine Health

Ten Facets of Canine Health

A guide to cultivating optimal canine health Naturopathic medicine recognizes several “doctors” that are vital for health. These “doctors” (also known as needs) are what I have coined facets of health. When it comes to both our health needs and...
When Canine Cancer Strikes

When Canine Cancer Strikes

An Experience with Thyroid Cancer One year ago this month my beloved Siberian Husky, Damon (who is also the face of The Holistic Canine), was informally diagnosed with thyroid cancer. His thick and luxurious Siberian coat had hidden a growth that I did not notice...
Essential Oils for Canines

Essential Oils for Canines

A quick guide to safe essential oil use When it comes to providing our fur-kids with relief from minor and chronic conditions, ailments, bumps, scrapes, injuries, anxiety, recuperation from veterinary procedures and surgeries, and from fleas and ticks, one of my...